Thursday 27 March 2014

Just another working day

Yesterday was a free day but in the morning we started to define the structure of our work. Than Christine did a lot of the work and I finally managed to book my flights to Iguazu falls. So right after the assignment I go to Rio de Janeiro and another day to Igauazu. I'm really looking forward. I go with Mohammed and Anne. In the evening there was a weekly status meeting where we share the progress of our work.

Today we spent another day in the incubator. There was nobody from the 12 incubated companies at work, usually there is at least one person, Vinicius. On the other side we had again a very productive meeting with our client. We went through the prepared structure of the document which they want us to create. I think they were really satisfied. We agreed to finish the document on Friday this week so it will be a challenge for me. Christine is doing this regularly as her primary job so she is really good in what we're doing now.

Yesterday the team agreed to have regular status meetings every day at 7:30PM. Just 5-10 minutes to share what we did that day and what is the plan for next day. Today it was a first time and after that, almost everybody went out to have a dinner. I went to the market and bought the postcards. It is really difficult to find postcards in Fortaleza. But I did finally. There is also a plenty of cashew nuts at the market. It is a good snack when you're writing your blog. Ceara is the cashew nut country. You can find cashew everywhere. As well as Havaianas.


Cinquenta Sabores - famous Brazilian ice-cream. I prefer "Obama" flavour but if you don't like it, there are still 49 left.

Cinquenta Sabores - fake :)

#ibmcsc brazil


  1. we are looking forward to try some Brazilian cashew nuts ;) hope you'll bring some home with you.
