Other CSC participants did the same, a bit of work even if there is a day off.
When you ask the locals where to go, they always tell you "to the beach". Doesn't matter which one. Ceara has 600km of coastline. One of the most known beaches (or maybe most known beach) is Jericoacoara. It is really far away from Fortaleza. So in the afternoon some of us (6 of 12) decided to go to the Cumbuco beach which is around 20km far from Fortaleza city to discuss a bit about the projects, share knowledge and opinions and help each other with a projects.
It sounds like a cliche cliché, but I have to say it is the great experience and a pleasure for me to deal with the people from so different cultures. I'm really glad that I'm working with such a tremendous team full of professionals from almost all over the world.
Me and Berna from Turkey (after the very productive days and this morning, we're sharing project experience at Combuco beach).
#ibmcsc brazil