Saturday, 5 April 2014

Campus Maracanau

April 3, 2014. Similar scenario as day before. We went to the IFCE Maracanau campus in the morning. The students were again curious about IBM, about us and what we're doing in Brazil. In addition we went to the "tour"of Maracanau campus and discovered that physical space for the business incubator is already prepared. And we had a chance to talk to teachers in the campus. Visit of Maracanau campus today and Caucaia yesterday was really helpful to us to widen our incubator expansion model considering local specifics of the campuses. In the afternoon we went to the Fortaleza campus where we were invited to support the incubator advisor on the call with company performing benchmark of incubators. We also discovered another part of the incubator where at least one incubated company resides.

Announcement for students

Some technical difficulties

Each Thursday there is a crab's day in Fortaleza. You can eat crabs anywhere, in restaurants, beach bars. We tried finally. Difficult to eat but the crab was really good.

Crab eating

April 4, 2014. Today early in the morning we went again to the Alda Façanha School. We bought the small present for them and as a small satisfaction for all the hospitality we received first time we went there. Hopefully the present will help during their studies in the school.

At Alda Façanha school with students

Than few of us went back to the hotel and we were working till 5PM. At least me :) We're still waiting for the review if the proposal by client. However, we already know more about IFCE campuses and requirements of incubated companies, therefore we're able to expand our work a bit more. Finally there is a weekend :)